MHS Response to COVID-19


We are thrilled to welcome you back to 1154 Boylston Street to attend programs, 看展览, 和 use the reading room! There are many factors involved in creating a safe environment for staff 和 visitors. 

We are grateful to our community for their patience 和 support during this fluid situation 和 we look forward to welcoming everyone back to our building. Continue reading below to learn about our reference services, exhibitions, 和 events. And please check our website 和 social media channels for additional updates.


Catherine Allgor


The MHS library is open to the public Monday 和 Wednesday through Friday, from 10:00 AM to 4:45 PM; Tuesday from 10:00 AM to 7:45 PM; 和 Saturday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM for onsite research visits. 研究ers are strongly encouraged to request an appointment in advance of arriving at the MHS. A Portal1791 账户 is required to book an appointment.

研究ers with confirmed appointments will be guaranteed a seat in the reading room on their appointment date(s). Walk-in researchers will be accommodated if space is available in the library.

事件 & 展览

We are happy to welcome visitors back to 1154 Boylston Street for in-person programs 和 exhibitions. We offer a full slate of author talks, panel discussions, 研讨会, 研讨会, 和 brown-bag lunch programs. Learn more about our COVID-19 protocols to keep our visitors 和 staff safe. 请浏览我们的 在线日历 跟着我们走 脸谱网 和 推特 for program listings. Learn more about our current exhibitionJoin our e-mail list to receive weekly e-mails with calendar information 和 timely updates.

Donate to the MHS Collection

We continue to actively add to our collection. Please contact the Vice President for og体育官网 复习我们的 collecting policy before sending any material.


The generosity of our friends 和 community has sustained the MHS for more than 230 years, 和 today your support enables us to fulfill our mission to promote underst和ing of the history of Massachusetts 和 the nation by collecting 和 communicating materials 和 resources that foster historical knowledge. 支持 og体育平台卫生基金 allows us to fulfill our mission to collect, 保存, 和 share the treasures that promote the study of American history. Foster fascination with a 捐赠

We offer you a warm virtual welcome 和 look forward to seeing you in person!